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Mon-Sat 07:00 AM - 05:00 PM
409 Lyons Rd, Five Dock NSW 2137, Australia
Mon-Sat 07:00 AM - 05:00 PM
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15 Jun, 2022
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How Often Should I Replace My Smoke Alarm Battery & Other Maintenance Tips

In 2006, the New South Wales Government introduced a new legislation that stated that all homes must have at least one working smoke alarm per floor. At least one smoke alarm needs to be installed between the kitchen and the bedrooms, so it can be heard during the night. A working smoke alarm can mean the difference between you and your family getting out of a burning house safely, or having a fire end in tragedy. 


Replacing the Battery in Your Smoke Alarm

It’s crucial to make sure your smoke alarm batteries are in working order. Most smoke alarms will make a chirping noise every 30-60 seconds when their battery needs replacing. If you don’t hear a chirping sound, it’s still a good idea to check your smoke alarm’s battery on a monthly basis. The easiest way to do this is by using a broom handle to push the ‘test button’ on your smoke alarm. If the battery is in good condition, your smoke alarm will make a high-pitched sound. If the battery is low, the sound the smoke alarm emits will be weak or non-existent and the battery should be replaced straight away. Batteries usually last 1-2 years in smoke alarms. 


How Often Should I Replace My Smoke Alarm?

According to Fire and Rescue NSW, smoke alarms should be replaced at least once every ten years, as they stop functioning as effectively over time and aren’t so sensitive. Fires can be incredibly unpredictable and fast-moving and ensuring that you have a working smoke alarm could be the one thing that saves you and your family’s life in the event of a fire. As technology evolves over the years, it’s also important to replace your smoke alarms so you have a smoke alarm with multiple sensor technologies. 


Maintenance Tips

The important maintenance tips to remember include: 

  • Test the smoke alarm battery. Test it by using a broom handle to push the ‘test button’. The battery should be tested on a monthly basis. 
  • Smoke alarms should be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner and a duster to remove any dust and debris that could damage the smoke alarm and cause it to stop working properly. You should clean your smoke alarm every 6 months
  • Your smoke alarm battery should be replaced once a year just to be on the safe side. Write a reminder down or change it on the same day every year (when the clock changes to Daylight Savings Time). 
  • Replace your whole smoke alarm every ten years. Over time, smoke alarms become less sensitive to smoke and won’t work as effectively. The newer smoke alarm models also have new technology in them – such as multiple sensors in one device. 

Having a working smoke alarm is one of the most essential items you can have in your home. Unfortunately, fires can break out in the blink of an eye and most people are caught off guard. Having a smoke alarm warn you during the first signs of smoke will ensure that you and your family have a good chance of getting out of the home safely. Don’t underestimate the importance this little device holds!