409 Lyons Rd, Five Dock NSW 2137, Australia
Mon-Sat 07:00 AM - 05:00 PM
409 Lyons Rd, Five Dock NSW 2137, Australia
Mon-Sat 07:00 AM - 05:00 PM

Category: Residential Electrician

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15 Dec, 2022
Posted by: admin
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The Dangers of VIR (Vulancised Indian Rubber) Cabling: Don’t Be the Next Victim!

VIR (Vulcanised Indian Rubber) cables are made of a tinned conductor with a rubber coating. The tinning of the conductor prevents the sticking of rubber to the conductor. The thickness of the rubber depends on the operating voltage and cotton is placed over the rubber insultations to protect the conductor against any moisture. The wire […]

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19 Sep, 2022
Posted by: admin
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Smart Ways to Cut Spending On Your Energy Bills this Winter

Energy bills go up all around in Australia during Winter with most of the energy in households being spent on heating. While we can’t change the energy prices, we can do things to lower our energy bills and save some money. Here are some ways to save money on your energy bills:   Use Less […]

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19 Sep, 2022
Posted by: admin
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5 Things to Know Before Hiring an Electrician in Sydney

Hiring an electrician that is reliable and most importantly, licensed and experienced is crucial. Working with electricity is a dangerous job, and an electrician needs to know what they’re doing so they can complete the job safely. Before hiring an electrician in Sydney for the first time, it’s important to be aware of certain things […]

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15 Jun, 2022
Posted by: admin
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How Often Should I Replace My Smoke Alarm Battery & Other Maintenance Tips

In 2006, the New South Wales Government introduced a new legislation that stated that all homes must have at least one working smoke alarm per floor. At least one smoke alarm needs to be installed between the kitchen and the bedrooms, so it can be heard during the night. A working smoke alarm can mean […]